Saturday, April 19, 2014

Global Warming and Climate Change: The Debate is Over

It is a fact.  The debate is over.  Done.  Climate scientists agree that the Earth's temperature is rising and that it is a man-made event.  Evidence continues to pour in bolstering what we already know.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association just reported that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have hit their highest levels in over 800,000 years.  After one of the most extreme winters people in the US have ever seen, scientists are pointing to pollution from Asia as a contributing factor.

Now the issue facing us is just what are we going to do with this information.  Are we going to attack this threat head-on, as environmentalists want to do, or bury our heads in the sand as many business leaders and congressional GOP would prefer.  

Two stories caught my eye this week.  First, it was reported this morning that the Obama administration has once again punted on approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.  Not what environmentalists wanted to hear as a more preferable decision would have ended this highly polluting debacle here and now. But we will take what we can get for now.  Small victories are better than none at all.

But then there is this little ditty out of Oklahoma.  It just has to make you wonder where people's priorities are.  Do we want to clean up this planet and leave a better place for our children and our children's children?  Or are we going to continue to run it into the ground until it's too late?

Time is running out. 

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