Thursday, October 4, 2012

More Romney Lies

Mitt Romney thinks people are stupid.  Mitt Romney believes that he can say anything and not be held accountable.  Mitt Romney believes that if he repeats something long enough that it will eventually become the truth - something he accused President Obama of last night at the debate.  This is typical of Romney's "pot calling the kettle black" campaign strategy.  

Now he and his partner in crime, Paul Ryan, are telling another one and it's a whopper.  They are saying that if President Obama is re-elected he will raise taxes on the Middle Class.  Let me tell you something, Mitt-ster.  We the people of that Middle Class know that it is President Obama who has our back - just as we have his.  We the people of the Middle Class know that it is YOU Mitt Romney who will look to hammer the Middle Class with higher taxes at the same time you favor your wealthy friends.

Mitt Romney, you are the most pathological liar that Americans have ever seen running for the highest office in this country.  Tell your lies.  Just don't expect us to believe them.  They just make you look foolish.

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