Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A New Take On The Guns Don't Kill People Arguement

For years gun advocates have used this reasoning to defend gun possession:

"Guns don't kill people - People kill people"

If one follows that logic than it is people we need to worry about in the gun debate.  Need to simplify it further?  People are the problem.  It serves to reason then that we need to take a closer look at the people who are handling those guns.  It then serves to reason that we need a process that will allow us to that closer look.  Unbelievable as it may seem, we already have that process:  the background check.  We just need to make it universal for all sales. 

Keystone Pipeline or Clean Renewable Energy

The recent events in Arkansas are just another example of why President Obama must take a deep breath and not be bullied into approving the Keystone pipeline.  Already there is evidence that ExxonMobil is going to great lengths to cover up how bad this spill really is.  The original Exxon estimate was "a few thousand barrels" but the EPA is putting the spill at around 7,000 barrels.  

This follows the 2011 ExxonMobile spill from a pipeline carrying oil across Montana dumping 42,000 gallons of oil into the Yellowstone river.  Then there was the 2010 spill in Michigan that polluted the Talmadge Creek and about 36 miles of the Kalamazoo river.  

Read the documentation.  Do some research.  We already have over 127,000 miles of pipeline buried underground and criss-crossing the country.  The homeowners in Arkansas didn't even know that there was a pipeline running under their homes.  

This "oil" is a disaster already in the making.  Look at the video again and pay special attention to the 1:08 mark.  Just look at "high tech" solution that Exxon is employing to clean up this spill.  It looks like they bought up all the Bounty paper towels in town and tossed them on the spill.  This is what we have to look forward to with Keystone.